Make a tax deductible donation to Warrior Writers to support veterans! image

Make a tax deductible donation to Warrior Writers to support veterans!

Your gift helps us provide free programming, resources, and opportunities to veteran artists and family members.

$8,265 raised

$10,000 goal

/ 150


Warrior Writers is a national non-profit based in Philadelphia. Our mission is to create a culture that articulates veterans' experiences, build a collaborative community for artistic expression, and bear witness to war and the full range of military experiences. Your continued support allows us to keep this commitment to veterans across the country. By making a donation to Warrior Writers, you can rest assured that our dedicated, tireless staff and volunteers will maximize the reach of your generosity.

Generosity is truly the gift that keeps giving. As our lives have transformed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, veterans face even more challenges related to isolation. In March, 2020, we adapted our programming to continue to safely provide our supportive services; by hosting virtual workshops, training sessions, and social gatherings every week, we are able to connect virtually and create a sense of community, even from locations all over the country. We have hosted several virtual open mic nights, which have featured over 30 veteran performers.

As we look to a return to in person programming, we recognize that new challenges may be present, both in terms of reacclimatizing and in terms of providing the necessary materials to ensure the safety and comfort of all our participants.

We also recognize the value our virtual community has had for so many. Our goal is to expand these programs, in addition to our in person activities, by exploring better ways to use virtual technology and digital connecting tools to provide more immersive, interactive, and engaging workshops, performances, and gatherings.

You can help us do all of this! Any gift amount goes a long way. Our ever growing community appreciates your support!

To make a donation by check:
Please make checks payable to Warrior Writers of CultureTrust, and send to:
CultureTrust/Warrior Writers
1315 Walnut Street, Suite 320
Philadelphia, PA 19107